Since 1973, The CAEA (Club des Amis de l'Europe et des Arts) and JIAS (Japan International Artists Society) have organized numerous international exhibitions in various locations around the world that have showcased a variety of Japanese artists. These events have enabled Japanese artists to promote themselves on an international scale and to help deepen the continuing cultural exchange within the arts community.
The works of art being presented follow the time honored themes of spirit and nature that are so closely linked to Japanese culture and utilize both modern and traditional styles: Oil painting, Acrylic, Water color, Nihonga(Traditional Japanese painting), Indian ink drawing, Engraving, Dyeing, Textile, Origami paper cutting, Three-dimension art, Ceramic, Handicraft, Kimono, Embroidery as well as Calligraphy.
There are also be several demonstrations and work shops, such as calligraphy and origami, that are held for the general public and have become a beloved segment of the exhibition for locals who are in attendance.
Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibiton

Since the first exhibit in Paris in 1975, this event has been held in over 100 cities and over 25 countries. So far, it has been held in the United States, Canada, Chili, Cuba, Mexico, China, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal and Switzerland plus several others. The number of works that are presented are approximately 250 every year and in recent years, local attendance to the exhibition has been estimated to be between 12,000 to 20,000 people.
France-Japan Multinational Contemporary Art Exhibition

Since 1996, this exhibition has been held at the National Art Center in Tokyo during the month of August and features mainly Japanese and French artists. Some of the participating French artists have been included in such art shows as "Le Salon des Artistes Français" and "Le Salon d'Automne".
The Paris International Art Exhibition

This exhibition has taken place every autumn in Paris since 1985 with the objective to introduce amateur French and Japanese artist to the various Parisian art collectors culture along and with immersing them into Parisian culture. This exhibition has collaborated with the Marais gallery since 2011 which is located on the Place des Vosges street which sits in the heart of Paris.
Other activities

Participated on the "Nouvelle Ecole de Paris UKIYO- É"
Registry services for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris)
Registry services for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/ Paris)
Painting seminar in France by Mr. Zacchi and Mr. Loilier (France)
Sales promotion of Japanese and French art.

The CAEA (Club des Amis de l'Europe et des Arts) was established by founder Toshifumi Magori in 1972. The first exhibition was held in ORTF, Paris France in 1973. In 1981, after 8 years of growing momentum within the artist community, the inaugural exhibition of the Japan International Artists Society (JIAS) was held in Japan. In 2011, Mariko Magori assumed the presidency of the CAEA/JIAS and continues to function in this position to this day. Three annual exhibitions are organized in Japan as well as in other countries around the world in order to help give Japanese artists international exposure along with promoting a forum for international cultural exchange.
- Mariko Magori
- President of CAEA and JIAS
- Bumpei Magori
- Vice-president of CAEA: President of Japanese Contemporary Art Exhibition
- Address
Club des Amis de l'Europe et des Arts (CAEA)
Japan International Artists Society (JIAS)
Syuhosha bldg. 5F 1-6-12 Nihonbashi, Muromachi, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-0022 JAPAN
Tel.+81 3 3279 3101 Fax.+81 3 3279 3103
URL: http://www.obijias.co.jp
- 1973
- Exhibition of Japanese Synthetic Arts (ORTF, Paris/ Mar.)
- Select Exhibition from the above (Decorative Art School, Nice/May)
- Select Exhibition of Handicrafts (Hotel Georges V, Paris/Dec.)
- 1974
- 1st Japan Juvenile Chorus Mission (Florence, St.Céré,Beuzeville,Paris/Aug.)
- 1975
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters (ORTF, Paris/Feb.)
- Franco-Japanese Amateur Painters' Exchange (SNCF Art Club, Paris/May.)
- Entry Service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct.)
- 1976
- Entry Service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/Apr.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters (Virreina Palace, Bercelona/Apr.)
- Japan Handicrafts Exhibition (Ethonogical Museum, Bercelona/Apr./Dec.)
- 2nd Juvenile Chorus Mission ( Rome, Florance, Honfleur, Broglie, Paris/Aug.)
- Entry service for Int'l Festival of Enamelling ( Laguna Beach Museum, Calif. USA/Sep.)
- Entry service for Salon d'automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct.)
- 1977
- One-man Exhibition Sergio Cecchi (Galerie Ohbi, Tokyo Jan./Feb.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters (Greek National Pinacotheque, Athens /Mars.)
- 200 Japanese Contemprary Painters ( Petit Palais, Genève/Mar./Jun.)
- Entry Service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/Apr.)
- Japan Handicrafts Exhibition (Charlottenborg Palace Museum, Copenhagen/Jun./Jul.)
- Entry Service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct.)
- 1978
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy (Virreina Palace, Barcelona/Mar.)
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/Apr.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters ( Vendramin Calergi Palace, Venice/May.)
- Service for 1st Int'l Shippo (enamelling) Exhibition (Ginza Yamazaki, Tokyo/May.)
- -Spanish master's works exhibited on invitation-
- 3rd Japan Juvenile Chorus Mission ( Florance, Barcelona, Honfleur, Paris/Aug.)
- Entry service for Salon d'automne (Grand Palais,Paris/Oct.)
- 1979
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/Apr.)
- Service for 2nd Int'l Shippo Exhibition (Ginza Yamazaki Hall,Tokyo/May.)
- -Spanish master's works exhibited on invitation-
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy (Grenier à Sel, Honfleur et Théâtre d'Italy,Evreux/May/Jun.)
- Exhibition of Japanese Marine Painters (Dito/May/Jun.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct.)
- Synthetic Exhibition for Yokohama/San Diego Intercity Artists (Citizen Gallery, Yokohama/Oct.)
- Japan Traditional and Modern Exhibition (Hotel Hilton,Athens/Nov.)
- 1980
- One-man Exhibition J.J.Tharrats (Ginza Yamazaki Hall,Tokyo/Jan.)
- Lecture on Spanish and Catalan Art Schools (Tokyo,Lecturer J.J.Tharrats/Jan.)
- Triennial Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Paintings (Virreina Palace, Barcelona/Mar./Apr.)
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy (Vendramin Calergi, Venice/May/June)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Int'l Drawing Prize Competition (Miro Foundation, Barcelona/Jul./Sep.)
- 4th Japan Juvenile Chorus Mission (Florence, Barcelona, Normandie France/Aug.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct.)
- 1981
- Inauguration of Japan International Artists Society "JIAS"(Imperial Hotel, Tokyo/Jan.)
- One-man Exhibition Lemaire d'Agaggio ( Pearl Gallery Ginza, Tokyo/Jan.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters (St Paul Museum, Bastion St André Museum,Antibes,France/Mar./Apr.)
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/Apr./May)
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy ( Petit Palais, Genève/May/June)
- Paul Ambille' s seminar of oil painting (Clermont,France/June)
- Inaugural Exhibition of JIAS (Prefectual Museum of Art, Chiba/Jul.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Int'l Drawing Prize Competition (Miro Foundation, Barcelona)
- Inaugural Exhibition of JIAS (Yamakataya Departement Store's Gallery, Okinawa/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Oct./Nov.)
- Entry service for Grand Prix Int'l d'Art Contemporain de Monte Carlo (Ministère d'Etat,Monaco/Nov./Feb.)
- 1982
- Lecture on Canadian Contemporary Paintings (Tokyo, Lecture Mrs.A.Aaron/Jan.)
- Inaugural Exhibition of JIAS (Prefectural Museum of Art, Nara/Mars)
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy (Auderghem Culture Center, Brussel/Apr.)
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français (Grand Palais, Paris/May)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters (Harbourfront Gallery, Toronto/May/June)
- Séguéla's seminar of oil painting (Le Vigan, France/July)
- Inaugural Exhibition of JIAS (Prefectural Culture Hall, Fukuoka/July)
- Exhibition of Decorative Arts of Japanese Tea Ceremony(City Gallery, Schwäbisch Gmünt,Germany/Jul./Aug.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Int'l Drawing Prize Competition (Miro Foundation,Barcelona/Jul./Sep.)
- Exhibition of Miro & Tharrats (Ohbi Gallery, Tokyo/Oct.)
- Exhibition of 130 Japanese selected artists (National Museum, Havana, Cuba/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Grand Palais, Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for G.Prix Int'l d'Art Contemporain de Monte Carlo (Palais des Congrès,Monaco/Nov./Feb.)
- 1983
- Lecture on Spainish Contemporary Painters(Tokyo. Lecturer Mr.G. Miracles Jan.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters(Virreina,Palace,Barcelona Jun./Jul.)
- Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy(Melbourne,Brisbane,etc in Queensland, Australia Apr./Sep.)
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français(Grand Palais,Paris/May)
- Paul Ambille's seminar of oil painting (Clermont,France/June)
- JIAS' Annual Exhibition with 100 Cuban,Spanish Works(Prefectural Museum of Art,Yamaguchi/Jul.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Int'l Drawing Prize Competition(Miro Foundation,Barcelona/Jul./Sep.)
- JIAS' Annual Exhibition with 100 Cuban,Spanish Works(Municipal Hall,Hakodate/Jul./Aug.)
- Tea Arts Exhibition(Asian Centre,UBC,Vancouver/Aug.)
- Inaugration of International Dolls & Crafts Artists Society(Yanagiya Hall,Tokyo/Oct.)
- 2nd Exhibition of 130 Japanese selected Artists(Lourdes/Tarbes/Pau/Bayonne/Albi/Toulouse/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Grand Palais,Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for G.Prix Int'l d'Art Contemporain de Monte Carlo(Ministère d'Etat,Monaco/Nov./Fev.)
- 1984
- Lecture on Australian Contemporary Paintings(Tokyo.Lecturers MM Seibert & Growen/Jan.)
- Dolls and Crafts Exhibition (Souwäbisch Gmünt,Germany/Apr.)
- Entry service for Société des Artistes Français(Grand Palais, Paris/May.)
- 200 Japanese Contemporary Painters(Sydney,Brisbane,etc,Australia/May/Sep.)
- Paul Ambille's seminar of oil painting(Clermont,France/June)
- 6th Japan Juvenile Chorus Mission(Stuttgart,Souwäbisch Gmünt,Regensburg,Dusseldorf,etc/Jul./Aug.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Int'l Drawing Prize Contemporary(Miro Foundation,Barcelona/Jul/Sep.)
- 3rd Exhibition of 130 Japanese Selected Artistes(Zaragoza/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Grand Palais,Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for G.Prix Int'l d'Art Contemporain de Monte Carlo(Ministère d'Etat,Monaco/Nov./Feb.)
- Tea Art Exhibition (Pinacotheque National or Hilton,Athens/Dec.)
- 1985
- JIAS Int'l Paintings Exhibition with participation from 30 countries(Central Museum,Tokyo/Jan.)
- JIAS Int'l Painting Exhibition with participation from 30 countries(Sendai)
- Lecture on Netherlands by Dr.Doberstein, dtr Limburg Cuoture Council,Limburg(Tokyo)
- Lecture on Succeeing Artists of Joan Miro, by Mr.L.Bosch, chief curator of Joan Miro Foundation, Barcelona(Tokyo)
- Touring Exhibition of Japan International Artists Society(Tokyo&Sendai/Jan/Mar.)
- (Tokyo:Central Museum of Ginza, Sendai:Prefectural Museum)
- Entry service for le Salon (Paris/May)
- International Dolls and Handicrafts Exhibition(Matsuzakaya Department,Tokyo)
- Japanese Contemporary Painting Show(Maastricht,Netherlands)
- Contemporary SHO Exhibition(6th City Hall,Paris/June)
- Lecture on P.Gauguin's Arts in Tahitti by Miss M.Lehartel,curator directrice of Tahitti Museum(Tokyo/Jul.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro Drawing Contest(Miro Foundation,Barcelona/Jul./Aug.)
- Selected Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition(Museum of Islands,Tahitti/Sep.)
- Japanese Handicrafts and Tea Arts Exhibition(Carmen Museum,Mexico)
- Salon International de Paris,Preparatory Show(Nesle gallery, Paris/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne/Nov.
- 1986
- Lecture on Contemporary Arts in Andalucia by Prof. Delgado T.B.(Tokyo/Jan.)
- Japanese Contemporary Painting Show(Seville at City Museum/Mar./Apr.)
- Entry service for le Salon(Paris/May)
- Japanese Contemporary SHO Exhibition in Memphis in May Arts Festival(Memphis,USA)
- Seminar of painting by P.Ambille(Clermont,France/June)
- Entry service for Enamel Arts International Exhibition(Limoge,France/Aug.)
- Entry service for Joan Miro's Drawing & Dessin Contest(Miro Foundation,Barcelona/Jul./Aug.)
- Japanese Arts Festival(Guy Favreau,Place des Arts, etc, Montreal/Sep./Oct.)
- 150 painting - Guy Favreau and Place des Arts
- 100 young SHO artists Show - Guy Favreau
- 100 Tea artifacts and handicrafts - Guy Favreau
- 100 Enamel Arts - Guy Favreau
- 100 Selected SHO Masters' Exhibition - Quebec University
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Paris/Nov.)
- Salon International de Paris(Paris/Dec.)
- 1987
- Lecture on Contemporary Mexican Arts by Mr.Antonio Lequé,art critic(Tokyo/Jan.)
- Entry service for le Salon (Paris/May)
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibtion(Art Palace,Mexico/May/June)
- Japanese SHO Art Exhibition(Copenhaguen/May)
- Seminar of paintingby P.Ambille(Clermont,France/June)
- Japan-Soviet Arts Exhibition(Fukuoka Prefectural Museum/Sep.)
- Dito (Culture Center,Sapporo/Nov.)
- Dito (Electric Culture Hall,Nagoya/Dec.)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition(Aahen,Maachtricht,etc/Oct.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Paris/Nov.)
- Salon International de Paris(Paris 6th City Hall/Nov.)
- Japan Juvenile Chorus Mission(Sydney,Brisbane,Australia/Aug.)
- 1988
- Lecture on Soviet Arts by M.Egorychev and Mrs Kanevskaya(Tokyo/Jan.)
- Lecture on French Academy of Fine Arts by Mr.A. d'Hauterives(Tokyo)
- Japan-Soviet Arts Exhibition (Ginza Central Museum,Tokyo/Fev.)
- Entry Service for le Salon(Paris/May)
- Seminqr of painting by P.Ambille(Clermont,France/June)
- Lecture on Scotland Artists by Ronald Forbes,prof.Arts Academy,Dundee(Tokyo/Jul.)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition(Asia Museum,Tokyo/Sep.)
- SHO Exhibition &Paintings Exhibitions invited by Dundee Welcomes Festival(Dundee/Oct.)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition(Men's Culture Hall,Tbilisi/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Paris)
- Salon International de Paris(Paris 6th City Hall)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition(National Fine Arts Museum/Gallery,Nobosivirsk/Dec.)
- 1989
- Dito/Jan.
- Lecture on Contemporary Cataluna's Arts by J.J.Tharrats(Tokyo)
- Entry service for French Railways Workers Union's Festival(Tarbes,France/Apr.)
- Entry service for le Salon(Paris/May)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings and SHO arts Exhibition(Barcelona)
- Seminar of Painting by P.Ambille(Clermont,France/June)
- DOH's Oneman Show(Château Frontnac,Quebec and Grand Hotel,Montreal/Sep.)
- Selected Paintings and SHO arts(Knoxville University,Tennesse,USA/Oct.)
- Entry Service for Salon d'Automne(Paris/Nov.)
- Salon International de Paris(Paris/Nov.)
- 1990
- Lecture on Quebec's Artists from Colonial Time to Nowadays by Guy Robert,critic(Tokyo/Jan.)
- Entry service for le Salon(Paris/May)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings and SHO arts Exhibition(Jap.Pavillon Museum Montreal/May./Aug.)
- Seminar of painting by P.Ambille(Clermont,France/June)
- Seminar of painting by P.Ambille(Tokyo/Aug.)
- Exhibition for Ambille and 100 Japanese Artists(Ginza Art Hall,Tokyo)
- Ambille's Onemanshow(Kaibundo Gallery,Kobe)
- Dito (Osaka)
- Exhibition for Ambille and 100 member artists of Salon(Tama Plaza Tokkyu,Kanagawa)
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings and SHO arts Exhibition(Gabrielle Roy Library,Quebec/Oct/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne(Paris/Nov.)
- Salon International de Paris(6th City Hall,Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Indépendants(Paris/Dec.)
- 1991
- Lecture on Peruvian Artists,Today by Miss Cecilia Alayza,director of Lima Art Museum/Jan.
- One man show of Miss Yuko TADA,oil painter( David Gallery,SOHO,N.Y. /Jan./Feb.)
- One man show of Master Suikyu NISHIKUBO,SHO artist(David Gallery,SOHO,N.Y.)
- One man show of Miss Toshiko YOKOYAMA,chinese ink artist(David Gallery,SOHO,N.Y. /Mar./May)
- Contemporary Japanese Paintings & SHO Exhibition(Lima Art Museum & Italian Art Museum, /May/Jun)
- Int'l JIAS/CAEA paintings show(Tokyo Central Museum,Ginza,Tokyo/Oct.)
- 1992
- 20th Anniversary Exhibition of C.A.E.A (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Exhibition of Two Artists,Hauterives and Gyokuwo (Tokyo/Mar.)
- Contemporary Japanese Painting &SHO Exhibition (Bronx Museum of Arts,New York/Apr.)
- Contemporary Japanese Arts Exhibiton (Bercelona/May)
- Seminar of Painting by P.Ambille (Clermont,France/Jun)
- Selected Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition (Maachtricht/Oct.)
- Exhibition of World SHO Arts(Maachtricht/Oct.)
- 1993
- Contemporary Japanese Paintings & SHO Exhibition (La Lonja, Pablo Gargallo Museum, Zaragoza City Gallery, Spain)
- Seminar of Painting by P.Ambille (Pyrénées,France)
- Salon des Artistes Français (Paris)
- Salon d'Automne (Paris)
- 20 Selected Japanese Contemporary Artists Exhibiotn(Paris)
- Biennial Exhibition of C.A.E.A & JIAS(Central Museum,Tokyo/ Cultural Center,Kawasaki/Sonic City,Omiya)
- Exhibition of Salon d'Automne (Paris)
- 1994
- Exhibition of World SHO Art & Artists from Maachtricht and Dundee (Art Theatre Gallery, Ilebukuro,Tokyo)
- Contemporary Japanese Painting & SHO Exhibition (Shanghai Museum)
- Seminar of Painting by P.Ambille (Pyrénées,France)
- JIAS Members Aritsts & Maachtricht Artists Exhibition (Cultural Center,Kawasaki)
- Exhibition for member artists Franco-Japonais of Salon d'Automne (Jyosenji Hall,Shibuya,Tokyo)
- Salon des Artistes Français (Paris)
- Salon d'Automne (Paris)
- Exhibiton of 20 French-Japanese Aritsts at Nesle Gallery (Paris)
- Exhibition of Japanese Artists highly loyal to Salon d'Automne (Paris)
- Exhibition of JIAS Member Artists (Central Museum,Tokyo)
- Exhibition of Japanese Artists disciples of Ambille (Tokyo)
- 1995
- Contemporary Japanese Painting & SHO Exhibiton (Academy of Arts,Antwerp)
- Seminar of Painting by P.Ambille (Clermont,France)
- Zacchi's one man show at Ohbi Gallery,Charme Gallery and Seibu Art Salon( several famous galleries,Tokyo & Maebashi )
- Hauterive's master pieces show at Ohbi Gallery with participation of Ambille & Zacchi (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- Japanese Contemporary Art Show at National Revolution Museum,Pekin,China,where some leading artists works were exhibited like Hugue,Baron-Renouard,Ambille,Hauterives,Zacchi,Gilodiere and so forth.
- Salon d'Automne of French-Japanese member's Exhibition(Shanghai Museum)
- Le Salon of French-Japanese Artists Exhibition at Gallery Nesle (Paris)
- 20 Selected Japanese & French Artists Exhibition (6th Ward's city hall of Paris)
- 1996
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings Exhibition (Tharrats Foundation,Pineda de Mar,Cataluna,Spain)
- Today's SHO Exhibition (Museum Moli,Capellades,Barcelona,Spain)
- 1st Women's miniature Show (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- 2ne Women's miniature Show (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- 3rd Women's miniature Show (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- Tharrats/Motegi's two mens show (Ashikaga City Museum)
- L'Art Actuel France-Japon 1996 Toyo (OMORI Bellport Atrium,Tokyo)
- L'Art Actuel France-Japon 1996 Tokyo (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- Painting Seminar with P.Ambille (Arette,France)
- Salon des Artistes Français by means of catalog
- Salon d'Automne (Espace Eiffel Branly,Paris)
- Exhibition of 20 Artists French-Japanese Arts (Espace de Nesle)
- Exhibition of Japanese Aritstes,Grand Amis de Paris (Espace de Nesle,Paris)
- Sayonara Exhibitions of JIAS member Artiste's Paintings (Ohbi Gallery,Tokyo)
- 1997
- Japanese Contemporary Paintings & SHO Exhibition (Royal Palace of Majorques,Perpignan,France)3/21〜4/30
- Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Eiffel Branly,Paris)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise,France)
- Japanese Black & White Arts Show (Epinal,Department of Vosges)
- Japanese juvenile drawings show (Coraborated with Paul Belmondo Arts School in Rosny sous Bois,France)
- Helped the Kakiuchi Museum's inaugration (Tatusnoshi,Nagano)
- L'Art Actuel France-Japon 1997 Nagano,Japan (Assisted with 40 works rented to Matsumotoshi,Nagano)
- Exhibition of 20 Artistes French-Japanese works with Kimono's image( 6th city Hall,Paris)
- Exhibition of Japanese Artistes,Grands Amis de Paris (Espace de Nesle,Paris)
- 1998
- Salon Violet,celebrating 50th Anniversary with participation of 50 Japanese Artists (Espace de Nesle)
- Exhibition of Japanese Visual Artists in the Euroregional-Cities,Aachen,Hasselt and Maastricht
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Arette,Pyrénées Atlantique,France)
- Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Eiffel Branly,Paris)
- Salon International d'Art Actuel à Angers (Hôtel de Ville,Angers,France)
- Salon International de Paris (Espade de Nesle)
- Salon d'Automne (EspaceEiffel Branly,Paris)
- JIAS' NAGANO's member artists and le Salon's artists Exhibition (Alpes Museum)
- JIAS' FUKUOKA's member artists Exhibition (NHK Hall)
- 1999
- Mr.J.Canellas,Mr.Del Hoyo,professors of University of Barcelona had a Conference on the subject ,Barcelona,Dau al Sept, America Sanchez,Cervantes (Hyogo Club,Tokyo)
- "l'Art Actuel France-Japon with six nations participation" with Catalan artists works (Tokyo Forum/Mar)
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition ( Biology Hall, University of Barcelona Art Auditorium, Civic Center, Barcelona)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise,France/May )
- Participation to Chaumont Art Festival (Chaumont's Jesuites Chapel Hall,July/Sep)
- Participation of 94 small size paintings of French Artists and Tharrats (Oguiss Memorial Art Museum/Jun/Jul)
- Participation of 47 paintings to the arts of International Arts Festival (Alpes Museum/Jul)
- Presence at The Inaugural reception of KOKUSAI BIJUTSU IN(at Nagoya's Totenko Restaurant/Jul)
- Participation of 80 paintings of French artists to Society of grands Amis of French Salons in Japan
- (at Matsumoto Civic Center/Aug)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Eiffel Branly/Oct)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Paris 6th City Hall/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Eiffel Branly/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov.)
- 2000
- Lecture on "Chilien Arts" by prof. Francisco BRUGNOLI, director of Santiago Contemporary Art Museum and
- "Transposition Figurative" by Mr.J.M.ZACCHI,président d'honneur de la Société des Artistes Français (Hyogo Club Tokyo/Jan)
- Painting seminar with J.M.Zacchi (Tokyo/Jan)
- Touring exhibition and charity show of "L'Art Actuel France et Japon avec 6 nations participants" (Fukuoka,Feb)
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Santiago Contemporary Art Museum, Santiago,Chile/May)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise,France/Jun)
- Japanese Contemporary Art Exhibition (St.Paul church, Frankfurt/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Eiffel Branly/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Eiffel Branly/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Chaumont, France/Nov)
- 2001
- Lecture on "Chinese Contemporary Art" by Mr Jin Yu Qing, painter and director of the Liaison Dep. with Foreign Countries of Chinese Artists' Society (Hyogo Club Tokyo/Jan)
- Painting seminar with J.M.Zacchi (Tokyo/Mar)
- Contemporary Arts Exhibition (China National Art Museum, China /Apr)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Arette,France/Jun-Jul)
- L'Art Actuel France et Japon (Municipal Museum of Matsumoto,Nagano/ Aug)
- L'Art Actuel France et Japon (Palais du Roi de Rome, Rambouillet/ Sep-Oct))
- L'Art Actuel France et Japon (Civico, Okazaki, Aichi/ Oct)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Civico, Okazaki, Aichi/Oct-Nov)
- World Sho Art (Civico, Okazaki, Aichi/Oct-Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov)
- 2002
- Lecture on "Spanish Contemporary Art" by Mr Salvador Carretero, director of Municipal Museum of Santander
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Santander, Spain/Mar-Apr)
- Solo expositon de J.M.Zacchi (Galerie Sakurano-ki, Tokyo /Mar-Apr)
- Painting seminar with J.M.Zacchi (Tokyo/Mar)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise, France/Jun)
- L'Art Actuel France et Japon (Air and Space Museum, France/Jul)
- Solo expositon de J.M.Zacchi (Galerie Sakurano-ki, Presskit et Kôbé /Oct)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Boris Vian Museum, France/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov)
- 2003
- Lecture on "Italian Contemporary Art" by Mr Claudio Almasio, professor of Art University of Roma
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Complesso del Vittoriano & Villa Poniatowski, Roma, Italia /Apr)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Arette, France/Jul)
- L'Art Actuel France et Japon with the participation of 10 countries (Spiral Garden, Tokyo/Aug)
- Art Exhibition of 35 selected french artists (Presskit Gallery, Gallery Sakura-no-ki, Tokyo/Aug)
- Solo expositon de J.M.Zacchi (Galerie Sakurano-ki and Presskit /Oct)
- Painting seminar with J.M.Zacchi (Tokyo/Oct)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Galerie Espace Saint Martin, France/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov)
- 2004
- Euro Region Exhibition (Mode-Museum, 2 castles, 2 academies, 2 city halls, Galerie Tracé and Ceramic Center/ Hasselt, Maastricht, Archen etc/Belgium, Netherlands and Germany/Apr)
- Japan Culture Week (Museo National de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba/Aug-Sep)
- Painting seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise, France/Jun)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Connoisseur's Gallery , France/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Auteuil/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Nov)
- Concours Drwing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists (Connoisseur's Gallery, France/Nov)
- 2005
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation de 4 pays (Spiral Garden, Tokyo/Jan)
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Santander, Spain /May)
- Painting Seminar with P.Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise, France/Jun)
- Solo exhibition of J-M Zacchi (Galerie Sakuranoki/Tokyo/Oct)
- Painting Seminar with J-M Zacchi (Tokyo/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Parc Floral / Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Parc Floral/Paris/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace de Nesle/Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Connoisseur's Gallery, France/Nov)
- 2006
- Japanese Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Bastia, France/Apr.)
- L'Art Actuel France-China-Japan with the participation of 6 countries(Tianjin National Museum, Tianjin Fine-Arts Academy Musieum, TIANJIN, CHINA/Sep)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais / Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Palais des Congrès Est Montreuil /Paris/Nov)
- Salon International de Paris (Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits/ France/Nov)
- 2007
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (Tokyo International Forum/Tokyo/Jan)
- Painting Seminar with P.Ambille (Arette/France/July)
- Salon International de Paris (Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits/ France/Nov)
- Painting Seminar with J-M Zacchi (Tokyo/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais / Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Parc Floral/Paris/Nov)
- 2008
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (Tokyo International Forum/Tokyo/Jan)
- Lecture on Contemporary Spanish's Arts by Mrs. Teresa Nocedo Llano, Mayor of Comillas, (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Painting seminar with P. Ambille (Arette /France/July)
- Japanese Today's Arts Exhibition in Spain (El Palacio de Sobrellano/La Alcaldesa de Comillas, Spain/Jun)
- Salon International de Paris (Musée des Collection Privée /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Musée des Collection Privée/ France/Nov)
- Painting Seminar with J-M Zacchi (Tokyo/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Auteuil/Paris/Nov)
- 2009
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (Spiral Garden/Tokyo/Jan)
- Lecture on Contemporary American's Arts by Mr. Samuel Yates, Professor and Director School of Art of the UT (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Painting seminar with P. Ambille (Clermont de l'Oise, France/Jun)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in America (Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture , Gallery Annex, UT Downtown Gallery /Tennessee University in Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A/Jun)
- Salon International de Paris (Musée des Collection Privée /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Musée des Collection privée/ France/Nov)
- Painting Seminar with J-M Zacchi (Tokyo/Oct)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Shamperret/Paris/Nov)
- 2010
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (Spiral Garden/Tokyo/Jan)
- Lecture on Contemporary France's Arts by Mr. Bruno Bodard, Directeur Offfice de Tourisme Vannes (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in France (la Grande bibliothèque du Conseil Général, le kiosque Culturel,
- le Château de l'Hermine, La Grande tour des Remparts de Vannes , Vannes, France/July)
- Salon International de Paris (Musée des Collection Privée /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(Musée des Collection Privée/ France/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Espace Shamperret /Paris/Nov)
- 2011
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (Spiral Garden/Tokyo/Jan)
- Lecture on Contemporary Mexican's Arts by Mr.Ignacio Guzmán, Councilman of Puerto Vallarta (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Painting seminar with J-M ZACCHI and H. LOILIER (Moret-sur-Loing, France/May)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Mexico (Gran Salón Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico/July)
- Salon International de Paris (Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt/ la Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov)
- Concours Drawing/Dessin/Gravure etc of Japanese Artists(la Galerie du Marais / France/Nov)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Oct.)
- 2012
- L'exposition anniversaire de la fondation de la Nouvelle Ecole de Paris UKIYO- É (Carato Daikanyama/Tokyo/Jan)
- Lecture on Contemporary Spanish's Arts by Mr. José Miguel Barrio, Mayor of Reinosa, (Tokyo/Jan.)
- Lecture on Contemporary Spanish's Arts by Mr. Íñigo de la Serna Hernáiz , Mayor of Santander, (Tokyo/Mar.)
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (National Art Center /Tokyo/Aug)
- Lecture on Contemporary Spanish's Arts by Mr.Francisco Javier León de la Riva, Mayor of Valladolid, (Tokyo/Aug.)
- Painting seminar in Bretagne with Mr. Bruno Pllorge and Mr. Jean-Claude Crosson (Vannes, France/ Jun)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Spain (Palacio de Exposiciones /Santander, La Casana /Reinosa, Argüeso Castle/ Canpoo, Spain/July)
- Salon International de Paris (Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt/ la Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Oct.)
- 2013
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (National Art Center /Tokyo/Aug)
- Lecture on Contemporary portuguese Arts by Mr. Fernand António Baptista Pereira, art historian,
- associate professor of the University of Lisbonne, (Tokyo/Aug.)
- Painting seminar in Villenauxe with Mr. Zacchi and Mr. Loilier (Villnauxe, France/ June)
- L'exposition de la Nouvelle Ecole de Paris UKIYO- É( Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt/ la Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Dec.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Nov.)
- 2014
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (National Art Center /Tokyo/Aug)
- Lecture on Contemporary Belgian Arts by Mr. René Vanbrabant, Director of Academy of Fine Arts Tongeren
- (Tokyo/Aug.)
- Painting seminar in Paris with Mr. Zacchi and Mr. Loilier (Paris, France/ June)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Portugal (Casa da Baía, Casa da Cultura, Galeria Municipal, Galeria 11, Setúbal, Portugal /May~June)
- Salon International de Paris (Le Loft Sévigné / la Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Oct.)
- 2015
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (National Art Center /Tokyo/Aug)
- Lecture on Contemporary Corsican Arts by Mr. ZACCHI Jean-Marie (Tokyo/Aug.)
- Painting seminar in Paris with Mr. Zacchi and Mr. Loilier (Chartres, France/ June)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Belgium & The Netherlands (Gallery Essenza, Apple's ,Pepe's,Vrijthof Theatre,Kunstkwartier/May)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace Commines,Galerie Joseph , Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Oct.)
- 2016
- Exposition de l'Art Acutuel France – Japon avec participation multinationale (National Art Center /Tokyo/Aug)
- Lecture on Contemporary Sicilian Arts by Mr. Andrea Bartoli/ owner of Farm Cultural Park&Salvator-John A. Liotta / djunct Professor, IN/ARCH National Institute of Architecture, Rome(Tokyo/Aug.)
- Japanese Today's Visual Arts Exhibition in Corsica (G Théâtre Municipal , Centre Culturel Alb'Oru , Salle Polyvalente, Maison du Temps Libre/Jun)
- Salon International de Paris (Espace Commines, Galerie du Marais /Paris/Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon des Artistes Français (Grand Palais/ Paris / Nov.)
- Entry service for Salon d'Automne (Sur Les Champs-Elysees/Paris/Oct.)
- Japan related event outside the Embassy, Ecrire, Fixer et Modeler : Japon et Belgique
(la halle aux blés/Durbuy/Belgique/Nov-Dec)